Metal pins
Products > EVB Parts > Pins metal
EN: #MetalPins #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
DE: #Metallstifte #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
SL: #KovinskiČepi #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
SR: #MetalniČepovi #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
SQ: #PinsaMetalike #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
BG: #МеталниЗакачалки #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
RO: #PiniMetalici #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
HU: #FémTűk #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
SK: #KovovéKolíky #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
CS: #KovovéKolíky #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
PL: #MetaloweSzpilki #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
IT: #SpilleMetalliche #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
FR: #ÉpinglesMétalliques #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
ES: #PinesMetalicos #Z90L_m #Z90R_m #S90L_m #S90R_m
### Product: Metal Pins for Z90 External Venetian Blinds
**Order Quantities:**
**Small Orders:**
- 3000 units of Z90L_m
- 3000 units of Z90R_m
- Packaged in cardboard boxes (23/24 kg per box)
**Medium Orders:**
- 5000 units of Z90L_m
- 5000 units of Z90R_m
- Packaged in cardboard boxes (23/24 kg per box, total weight 46/48 kg for two boxes)
**Large Orders:**
- 20,000 units of Z90L_m
- 20,000 units of Z90R_m
- Packaged in two cardboard boxes (180/182 kg for two boxes)
**Logistics and Delivery:**
- Adaptable quantities based on your requirements.
- Dependable and timely delivery.
**Consistent Contract Courier:**
- Option to use your contract courier for cost-effective shipping.
With our comprehensive range of metal pins, you can optimize your inventory and avoid unforeseen delays in the production process. Our team is ready to meet your component needs, ensuring smooth continuation of your production and services.
Best regards and thank you for your attention,
This offer is designed to streamline the ordering of components for your Z90 external Venetian blinds. Our goal is to provide high-quality products that will enhance the efficiency and reliability of your production. Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities.
### Produkt: Metallstifte für Z90-Außenjalousien
**Kleine Bestellungen:**
- 3000 Stück Z90L_m
- 3000 Stück Z90R_m
- Verpackt in Kartons (23/24 kg pro Karton)
**Mittlere Bestellungen:**
- 5000 Stück Z90L_m
- 5000 Stück Z90R_m
- Verpackt in Kartons (23/24 kg pro Karton, Gesamtgewicht 46/48 kg für zwei Kartons)
**Große Bestellungen:**
- 20.000 Stück Z90L_m
- 20.000 Stück Z90R_m
- Verpackt in zwei Kartons (180/182 kg für zwei Kartons)
**Logistik und Lieferung:**
- Anpassbare Mengen je nach Bedarf.
- Zuverlässige und pünktliche Lieferung.
**Ständiger Vertragskurier:**
- Möglichkeit der Nutzung Ihres Vertragskuriers für kostengünstige Versandkosten.
Mit unserem umfangreichen Sortiment an Metallstiften können Sie Ihre Lagerbestände optimieren und unvorhergesehene Verzögerungen im Produktionsprozess vermeiden. Unser Team ist bereit, Ihren Komponentenbedarf zu decken und einen reibungslosen Ablauf Ihrer Produktion und Dienstleistungen zu gewährleisten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen und vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit,
Dieses Angebot ist darauf ausgelegt, die Bestellung von Komponenten für Ihre Z90-Außenjalousien zu erleichtern. Unser Ziel ist es, hochwertige Produkte zu liefern, die zur Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit Ihrer Produktion beitragen. Ihre Zufriedenheit und Ihr Erfolg sind unsere Priorität.
### Izdelek: Kovinski zatiči za zunanje žaluzije Z90
**Naročilne količine:**
**Majhna naročila:**
- 3000 kosov Z90L_m
- 3000 kosov Z90R_m
- Pakirano v kartonskih škatlah (23/24 kg na škatlo)
**Srednja naročila:**
- 5000 kosov Z90L_m
- 5000 kosov Z90R_m
- Pakirano v kartonskih škatlah (23/24 kg na škatlo, skupna teža 46/48 kg za dve škatli)
**Velika naročila:**
- 20.000 kosov Z90L_m
- 20.000 kosov Z90R_m
- Pakirano v dveh kartonskih škatlah (180/182 kg na dve škatli)
**Logistika in dostava:**
- Prilagodljive količine glede na vaše potrebe.
- Zanesljiva in pravočasna dostava.
**Stalni pogodbeni kurir:**
- Možnost uporabe vašega pogodbenega kurirja z ugodnimi stroški pošiljanja.
Z našo široko ponudbo kovinskih zatičev lahko optimizirate svoje zaloge in se izognete nepredvidenim zamudam v proizvodnem procesu. Naša ekipa je pripravljena izpolniti vaše potrebe po komponentah in vam zagotoviti nemoteno nadaljevanje proizvodnje in storitev.
Lep pozdrav in hvala za vašo pozornost,
Ta ponudba je zasnovana tako, da vam olajša naročanje komponent za vaše zunanje žaluzije Z90. Naš cilj je zagotoviti visokokakovostne izdelke, ki bodo prispevali k učinkovitosti in zanesljivosti vaše proizvodnje. Vaše zadovoljstvo in uspeh sta naša prioriteta.
### Proizvod: Metalni klinovi za vanjske žaluzine Z90
**Količine narudžbe:**
**Male narudžbe:**
- 3000 komada Z90L_m
- 3000 komada Z90R_m
- Pakirano u kartonske kutije (23/24 kg po kutiji)
**Srednje narudžbe:**
- 5000 komada Z90L_m
- 5000 komada Z90R_m
- Pakirano u kartonske kutije (23/24 kg po kutiji, ukupna težina 46/48 kg za dvije kutije)
**Velike narudžbe:**
- 20.000 komada Z90L_m
- 20.000 komada Z90R_m
- Pakirano u dvije kartonske kutije (180/182 kg za dvije kutije)
**Logistika i dostava:**
- Prilagodljive količine prema vašim potrebama.
- Pouzdana i pravovremena dostava.
**Stalni ugovorni kurir:**
- Mogućnost korištenja vašeg ugovornog kurira uz povoljne troškove slanja.
Sa našim širokim asortimanom metalnih klinova možete optimizirati svoje zalihe i izbjeći nepredviđena kašnjenja u proizvodnom procesu. Naš tim je spreman ispuniti vaše potrebe za komponentama i osigurati nesmetan nastavak vaše proizvodnje i usluga.
Srdačan pozdrav i hvala na vašoj pažnji,
Ova ponuda je dizajnirana kako bi vam olakšala naručivanje komponenti za vaše vanjske žaluzine Z90. Naš cilj je osigurati visokokvalitetne proizvode koji će doprinijeti efikasnosti i pouzdanosti vaše proizvodnje. Vaše zadovoljstvo i uspjeh su naš prioritet.
### Produkti: Kunja metalik për grilat e jashtme Z90
**Sasitë e porosisë:**
**Porosi të vogla:**
- 3000 copë Z90L_m
- 3000 copë Z90R_m
- Paketuar në kuti kartoni (23/24 kg për kuti)
**Porosi të mesme:**
- 5000 copë Z90L_m
- 5000 copë Z90R_m
- Paketuar në kuti kartoni (23/24 kg për kuti, peshë totale 46/48 kg për dy kuti)
**Porosi të mëdha:**
- 20.000 copë Z90L_m
- 20.000 copë Z90R_m
- Paketuar në dy kuti kartoni (180/182 kg për dy kuti)
**Logjistika dhe dorëzimi:**
- Sasi të përshtatshme sipas nevojave tuaja.
- Dorëzim i besueshëm dhe në kohë.
**Kurier kontraktual i përhershëm:**
- Mundësi përdorimi të kurierit tuaj kontraktual me kosto të ulëta të dërgesës.
Me gamën tonë të gjerë të kunjave metalikë, ju mund të optimizoni stokun tuaj dhe të shmangni vonesat e paparashikuara në procesin e prodhimit. Ekipi ynë është gati të plotësojë nevojat tuaja për komponentët dhe t'ju sigurojë vazhdimësinë e pandërprerë të prodhimit dhe shërbimeve tuaja.
Me respekt dhe faleminderit për vëmendjen tuaj,
Kjo ofertë është dizajnuar për të lehtësuar porositjen e komponentëve për grilat tuaja të jashtme Z90. Qëllimi ynë është të ofrojmë produkte me cilësi të lartë që do të kontribuojnë në efikasitetin dhe besueshmërinë e prodhimit tuaj. Kënaqësia dhe suksesi juaj janë prioritetet tona.
### Продукт: Метални щифтове за външни щори Z90
**Количество на поръчката:**
**Малки поръчки:**
- 3000 броя Z90L_m
- 3000 броя Z90R_m
- Опаковани в картонени кутии (23/24 кг на кутия)
**Средни поръчки:**
- 5000 броя Z90L_m
- 5000 броя Z90R_m
- Опаковани в картонени кутии (23/24 кг на кутия, общо тегло 46/48 кг за две кутии)
**Големи поръчки:**
- 20,000 броя Z90L_m
- 20,000 броя Z90R_m
- Опаковани в две картонени кутии (180/182 кг за две кутии)
**Логистика и доставка:**
- Гъвкави количества според вашите нужди.
- Надеждна и навременна доставка.
**Постоянен договорен куриер:**
- Възможност за използване на ваш договорен куриер с изгодни разходи за доставка.
С нашата широка гама от метални щифтове можете да оптимизирате вашите запаси и да избегнете непредвидени забавяния в производствения процес. Нашият екип е готов да задоволи вашите нужди от компоненти и да осигури безпроблемното продължаване на вашето производство и услуги.
С уважение и благодарност за вашето внимание,
Тази оферта е предназначена да улесни поръчването на компоненти за вашите външни щори Z90. Нашата цел е да осигурим висококачествени продукти, които да допринасят за ефективността и надеждността на вашето производство. Вашето удовлетворение и успех са наш приоритет.
### Produs: Știfturi metalice pentru jaluzele exterioare Z90
**Cantități de comandă:**
**Comenzi mici:**
- 3000 bucăți Z90L_m
- 3000 bucăți Z90R_m
- Ambalate în cutii de carton (23/24 kg per cutie)
**Comenzi medii:**
- 5000 bucăți Z90L_m
- 5000 bucăți Z90R_m
- Ambalate în cutii de carton (23/24 kg per cutie, greutate totală 46/48 kg pentru două cutii)
**Comenzi mari:**
- 20.000 bucăți Z90L_m
- 20.000 bucăți Z90R_m
- Ambalate în două cutii de carton (180/182 kg pentru două cutii)
**Logistică și livrare:**
- Cantități adaptabile în funcție de nevoile dumneavoastră.
- Livrare de încredere și la timp.
**Curier contractual permanent:**
- Posibilitatea utilizării curierului contractual propriu cu costuri de expediere avantajoase.
Cu gama noastră largă de știfturi metalice, puteți optimiza stocurile și evita întârzierile neprevăzute în procesul de producție. Echipa noastră este pregătită să răspundă nevoilor dumneavoastră de componente și să asigure continuitatea neîntreruptă a producției și serviciilor dumneavoastră.
Cu respect și mulțumiri pentru atenția acordată,
Această ofertă este concepută pentru a facilita comandarea componentelor pentru jaluzelele exterioare Z90. Scopul nostru este de a furniza produse de înaltă calitate care să contribuie la eficiența și fiabilitatea producției dumneavoastră. Satisfacția și succesul dumneavoastră sunt prioritățile noastre.
### Termék: Fém csapok Z90 külső zsaluziákhoz
**Rendelési mennyiségek:**
**Kis rendelések:**
- 3000 darab Z90L_m
- 3000 darab Z90R_m
- Kartondobozokban csomagolva (23/24 kg dobozonként)
**Közepes rendelések:**
- 5000 darab Z90L_m
- 5000 darab Z90R_m
- Kartondobozokban csomagolva (23/24 kg dobozonként, össztömeg 46/48 kg két dobozra)
**Nagy rendelések:**
- 20.000 darab Z90L_m
- 20.000 darab Z90R_m
- Két kartondobozban csomagolva (180/182 kg két dobozra)
**Logisztika és szállítás:**
- Rugalmas mennyiségek az Ön igényei szerint.
- Megbízható és időben történő szállítás.
**Állandó szerződéses futár:**
- Lehetőség a saját szerződéses futár használatára kedvező szállítási költségekkel.
Széles körű fém csap kínálatunkkal optimalizálhatja készleteit, és elkerülheti a gyártási folyamat váratlan késéseit. Csapatunk kész kielégíteni az Ön alkatrész igényeit, biztosítva a zavartalan termelés és szolgáltatás folyamatosságát.
Tisztelettel és köszönettel figyelméért,
Ez az ajánlat célja, hogy megkönnyítse az alkatrészek rendelését Z90 külső zsaluziáihoz. Célunk, hogy kiváló minőségű termékeket biztosítsunk, amelyek hozzájárulnak a gyártás hatékonyságához és megbízhatóságához. Az Ön elégedettsége és sikere a mi prioritásunk.
### Produkt: Kovové čapy pre vonkajšie žalúzie Z90
**Objem objednávky:**
**Malé objednávky:**
- 3000 kusov Z90L_m
- 3000 kusov Z90R_m
- Balené v kartónových škatuliach (23/24 kg na škatuľu)
**Stredné objednávky:**
- 5000 kusov Z90L_m
- 5000 kusov Z90R_m
- Balené v kartónových škatuliach (23/24 kg na škatuľu, celková hmotnosť 46/48 kg pre dve škatule)
**Veľké objednávky:**
- 20.000 kusov Z90L_m
- 20.000 kusov Z90R_m
- Balené v dvoch kartónových škatuliach (180/182 kg pre dve škatule)
**Logistika a dodávka:**
- Prispôsobiteľné množstvá podľa vašich potrieb.
- Spoľahlivé a včasné dodanie.
**Stály zmluvný kuriér:**
- Možnosť použitia vášho zmluvného kuriéra s výhodnými nákladmi na dopravu.
S našou širokou ponukou kovových čapov môžete optimalizovať svoje zásoby a vyhnúť sa nepredvídaným oneskoreniam v procese výroby. Náš tím je pripravený uspokojiť vaše potreby v oblasti komponentov a zabezpečiť hladké pokračovanie vašej výroby a služieb.
S úctou a ďakujeme za vašu pozornosť,
Táto ponuka je navrhnutá tak, aby uľahčila objednávanie komponentov pre vaše vonkajšie žalúzie Z90. Naším cieľom je poskytovať vysokokvalitné produkty, ktoré prispejú k efektívnosti a spoľahlivosti vašej výroby. Vaša spokojnosť a úspech sú našou prioritou.
### Produkt: Kovové čepy pro venkovní žaluzie Z90
**Objem objednávek:**
**Malé objednávky:**
- 3000 kusů Z90L_m
- 3000 kusů Z90R_m
- Balené v kartonových krabicích (23/24 kg na krabici)
**Střední objednávky:**
- 5000 kusů Z90L_m
- 5000 kusů Z90R_m
- Balené v kartonových krabicích (23/24 kg na krabici, celková hmotnost 46/48 kg pro dvě krabice)
**Velké objednávky:**
- 20.000 kusů Z90L_m
- 20.000 kusů Z90R_m
- Balené ve dvou kartonových krabicích (180/182 kg pro dvě krabice)
**Logistika a dodávka:**
- Přizpůsobitelné množství podle vašich potřeb.
- Spolehlivé a včasné dodání.
**Stálý smluvní kurýr:**
- Možnost využití vašeho smluvního kurýra s výhodnými náklady na dopravu.
S naší širokou nabídkou kovových čepů můžete optimalizovat své zásoby a vyhnout se nepředvídaným zpožděním ve výrobním procesu. Náš tým je připraven uspokojit vaše potřeby ohledně komponentů a zajistit hladké pokračování vaší výroby a služeb.
S pozdravem a děkujeme za vaši pozornost,
Tato nabídka je navržena tak, aby usnadnila objednávání komponentů pro vaše venkovní žaluzie Z90. Naším cílem je poskytovat vysoce kvalitní produkty, které přispějí k efektivitě a spolehlivosti vaší výroby. Vaše spokojenost a úspěch jsou naší prioritou.
### Produkt: Metalowe kołki do zewnętrznych żaluzji Z90
**Ilości zamówień:**
**Małe zamówienia:**
- 3000 sztuk Z90L_m
- 3000 sztuk Z90R_m
- Pakowane w kartonowe pudełka (23/24 kg na pudełko)
**Średnie zamówienia:**
- 5000 sztuk Z90L_m
- 5000 sztuk Z90R_m
- Pakowane w kartonowe pudełka (23/24 kg na pudełko, łączna waga 46/48 kg dla dwóch pudełek)
**Duże zamówienia:**
- 20.000 sztuk Z90L_m
- 20.000 sztuk Z90R_m
- Pakowane w dwóch kartonowych pudełkach (180/182 kg dla dwóch pudełek)
**Logistyka i dostawa:**
- Dostosowane ilości w zależności od Twoich potrzeb.
- Niezawodna i terminowa dostawa.
**Stały kurier kontraktowy:**
- Możliwość korzystania z własnego kuriera kontraktowego z korzystnymi kosztami wysyłki.
Dzięki naszej szerokiej ofercie metalowych kołków możesz zoptymalizować swoje zapasy i uniknąć nieprzewidzianych opóźnień w procesie produkcji. Nasz zespół jest gotowy, aby zaspokoić Twoje potrzeby w zakresie komponentów i zapewnić płynne kontynuowanie produkcji i usług.
Z wyrazami szacunku i podziękowaniami za Twoją uwagę,
Ta oferta została stworzona, aby ułatwić zamawianie komponentów do Twoich zewnętrznych żaluzji Z90. Naszym celem jest dostarczanie produktów o wysokiej jakości, które przyczynią się do efektywności i niezawodności Twojej produkcji. Twoje zadowolenie i sukces są naszym priorytetem.
### Prodotto: Perni metallici per persiane esterne Z90
**Quantità dell'ordine:**
**Ordini piccoli:**
- 3000 pezzi Z90L_m
- 3000 pezzi Z90R_m
- Imballati in scatole di cartone (23/24 kg per scatola)
**Ordini medi:**
- 5000 pezzi Z90L_m
- 5000 pezzi Z90R_m
- Imballati in scatole di cartone (23/24 kg per scatola, peso totale 46/48 kg per due scatole)
**Ordini grandi:**
- 20.000 pezzi Z90L_m
- 20.000 pezzi Z90R_m
- Imballati in due scatole di cartone (180/182 kg per due scatole)
**Logistica e consegna:**
- Quantità adattabili in base alle tue esigenze.
- Consegna affidabile e puntuale.
**Corriere contrattuale fisso:**
- Possibilità di utilizzare il tuo corriere contrattuale con costi di spedizione vantaggiosi.
Con la nostra ampia gamma di perni metallici, puoi ottimizzare le tue scorte ed evitare ritardi imprevisti nel processo produttivo. Il nostro team è pronto a soddisfare le tue esigenze di componenti e a garantire la continuità senza intoppi della tua produzione e dei tuoi servizi.
Cordiali saluti e grazie per la tua attenzione,
Questa offerta è pensata per facilitare l'ordinazione dei componenti per le tue persiane esterne Z90. Il nostro obiettivo è fornire prodotti di alta qualità che contribuiscano all'efficienza e all'affidabilità della tua produzione. La tua soddisfazione e il tuo successo sono la nostra priorità.
### Produit : Goupilles métalliques pour volets extérieurs Z90
**Quantités de commande :**
**Petites commandes :**
- 3000 unités de Z90L_m
- 3000 unités de Z90R_m
- Emballées dans des cartons (23/24 kg par carton)
**Commandes moyennes :**
- 5000 unités de Z90L_m
- 5000 unités de Z90R_m
- Emballées dans des cartons (23/24 kg par carton, poids total 46/48 kg pour deux cartons)
**Grandes commandes :**
- 20.000 unités de Z90L_m
- 20.000 unités de Z90R_m
- Emballées dans deux cartons (180/182 kg pour deux cartons)
**Logistique et livraison :**
**Flexibilité :**
- Quantités adaptables selon vos besoins.
**Fiabilité :**
- Livraison fiable et ponctuelle.
**Courrier contractuel permanent :**
- Possibilité d'utiliser votre propre courrier contractuel avec des frais d'expédition avantageux.
Avec notre large gamme de goupilles métalliques, vous pouvez optimiser vos stocks et éviter les retards imprévus dans le processus de production. Notre équipe est prête à répondre à vos besoins en composants et à assurer la continuité sans heurts de votre production et de vos services.
Cordialement et merci pour votre attention,
Cette offre est conçue pour faciliter la commande de composants pour vos volets extérieurs Z90. Notre objectif est de fournir des produits de haute qualité qui contribueront à l'efficacité et à la fiabilité de votre production. Votre satisfaction et votre succès sont notre priorité.

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
Z90L_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_Z90L_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_Z90L_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Z90L_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_Z90L_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_Z90L_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
375.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
Z90R_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_Z90R_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_Z90R_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Z90R_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_Z90R_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_Z90R_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
375.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 28/22/3cm NW 4,5kg
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 28/22/3cm NW 4,5kg
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
75.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 28/22/3cm NW 4,5kg
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 28/22/3cm NW 4,5kg
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
75.00 €

Metal Pins for External Venetian Blinds: Type Z90
Elevate the function and longevity of your external venetian blinds with our top-grade metal pins. Specifically designed for the Z90 type, this set ensures a secure and hassle-free installation experience.
Contents: 6000 pieces (Z90L_m 3B = 3000 pcs and Z90R_m 3B = 3000 pcs)
Packaging: Each of the 6 sachets contains 1000 pieces, allowing for organized storage and usage.
EN Customs Tariff Number: 8302 4900
Dimensions: 38/25/20cm
Weight: NW/GW 27/28kg
Features: Built with precision, these pins promise a seamless fit and prolonged durability. Perfect for those wanting the best in quality and performance.
Shop now and ensure your blinds function flawlessly with the Z90 type metal pins.
Elevate the function and longevity of your external venetian blinds with our top-grade metal pins. Specifically designed for the Z90 type, this set ensures a secure and hassle-free installation experience.
Contents: 6000 pieces (Z90L_m 3B = 3000 pcs and Z90R_m 3B = 3000 pcs)
Packaging: Each of the 6 sachets contains 1000 pieces, allowing for organized storage and usage.
EN Customs Tariff Number: 8302 4900
Dimensions: 38/25/20cm
Weight: NW/GW 27/28kg
Features: Built with precision, these pins promise a seamless fit and prolonged durability. Perfect for those wanting the best in quality and performance.
Shop now and ensure your blinds function flawlessly with the Z90 type metal pins.
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
450.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
Z90L_m 6B = 6000 pcs and Z90R_m 6B = 6000 pcs
Each of 6 + 6 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Z90L_m 6B = 6000 pcs and Z90R_m 6B = 6000 pcs
Each of 6 + 6 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
900.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
Z90L_m 20B = 20000 pcs and Z90R_m 20B = 20000 pcs
Each of 20 + 20 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Z90L_m 20B = 20000 pcs and Z90R_m 20B = 20000 pcs
Each of 20 + 20 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
3000.00 €

Material: High-quality metal, resistant to corrosion
Quantity: 10,000 pairs of pins in a cardboard box
Package Dimensions: 36 cm x 71 cm x 35 cm
Weight: Net 90 kg / Gross 91 kg
Customs Tariff Code: EN 8302 4900
Product Codes:
Z90L_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Z90R_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Quantity: 10,000 pairs of pins in a cardboard box
Package Dimensions: 36 cm x 71 cm x 35 cm
Weight: Net 90 kg / Gross 91 kg
Customs Tariff Code: EN 8302 4900
Product Codes:
Z90L_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Z90R_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
1500.00 €
EN: #MetalPins #C80L_m #C80R_m
DE: #Metallstifte #C80L_m #C80R_m
SL: #KovinskiČepi #C80L_m #C80R_m
SR: #MetalniČepovi #C80L_m #C80R_m
SQ: #PinsaMetalike #C80L_m #C80R_m
BG: #МеталниЗакачалки #C80L_m #C80R_m
RO: #PiniMetalici #C80L_m #C80R_m
HU: #FémTűk #C80L_m #C80R_m
SK: #KovovéKolíky #C80L_m #C80R_m
CS: #KovovéKolíky #C80L_m #C80R_m
PL: #MetaloweSzpilki #C80L_m #C80R_m
IT: #SpilleMetalliche #C80L_m #C80R_m
FR: #ÉpinglesMétalliques #C80L_m #C80R_m
ES: #PinesMetalicos #C80L_m #C80R_m

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
C80L_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_C80L_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_C80L_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
C80L_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_C80L_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_C80L_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
375.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
C80R_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_C80R_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_C80R_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
C80R_m 5B = 5000 pcs
Each of 5 sachet contains 1000 pieces
EN customs tariff number: 8302 4900
Dim 38/25/20cm NW/GW 23/24kg
Introducing Pins_C80R_m_5B: the ultimate metal pins for External Venetian Blinds.
This pack includes a whopping 5000 pieces, neatly divided into 5 sachets of 1000 pins each.
With an EN customs tariff number of 8302 4900, these pins are built to last.
Measuring 38/25/20cm and weighing 23/24kg (NW/GW), they ensure secure and hassle-free installation.
Upgrade your blinds with Pins_C80R_m_5B and enjoy effortless functionality.
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
375.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
75.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
1B = 1000 pcs
Each sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
75.00 €

Metal Pins for External Venetian Blinds: Type C80
Experience the pinnacle of stability and functionality for your external venetian blinds with our premium metal pins. Tailored precisely for the C80 type, this collection is synonymous with both reliability and effortless installation.
- **Contents:** 6000 pieces, neatly divided into 6 sachets of 1000 pins each.
- **EN Customs Tariff Number:** 8302 4900
- **Dimensions:** 38/25/20cm
- **Weight:** NW/GW 27/28kg
- **Features:** Meticulously engineered, these pins are designed to offer an optimal fit and lasting durability. The go-to choice for both homeowners and professionals who seek nothing but the best.
**Elevate your venetian blinds experience. Opt for the C80 type metal pins and relish unparalleled functionality.**
Experience the pinnacle of stability and functionality for your external venetian blinds with our premium metal pins. Tailored precisely for the C80 type, this collection is synonymous with both reliability and effortless installation.
- **Contents:** 6000 pieces, neatly divided into 6 sachets of 1000 pins each.
- **EN Customs Tariff Number:** 8302 4900
- **Dimensions:** 38/25/20cm
- **Weight:** NW/GW 27/28kg
- **Features:** Meticulously engineered, these pins are designed to offer an optimal fit and lasting durability. The go-to choice for both homeowners and professionals who seek nothing but the best.
**Elevate your venetian blinds experience. Opt for the C80 type metal pins and relish unparalleled functionality.**
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
450.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
C80L_m 6B = 6000 pcs and C80R_m 6B = 6000 pcs
Each of 6 + 6 sachet contains 1000 pieces
C80L_m 6B = 6000 pcs and C80R_m 6B = 6000 pcs
Each of 6 + 6 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
900.00 €

Metal pins for External Venetian Blinds
C80L_m 20B = 20000 pcs and C80R_m 20B = 20000 pcs
Each of 20 + 20 sachet contains 1000 pieces
C80L_m 20B = 20000 pcs and C80R_m 20B = 20000 pcs
Each of 20 + 20 sachet contains 1000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
3000.00 €

Material: High-quality metal, resistant to corrosion
Quantity: 10,000 pairs of pins in a cardboard box
Package Dimensions: 36 cm x 71 cm x 35 cm
Weight: Net 90 kg / Gross 91 kg
Customs Tariff Code: EN 8302 4900
Product Codes:
C80L_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
C80R_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Quantity: 10,000 pairs of pins in a cardboard box
Package Dimensions: 36 cm x 71 cm x 35 cm
Weight: Net 90 kg / Gross 91 kg
Customs Tariff Code: EN 8302 4900
Product Codes:
C80L_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
C80R_m 10B: 10,000 pieces
Immediate availability
(DDV ni obračunan v ceni excl.)
1500.00 €